Pakistan Terror Attacks 2001 - 2007

Ryan Shields
Ryan Shields

September 06, 2022

Pakistan Terror Attacks 2001 - 2007
Pakistan Terror Attacks 2001 - 2007
Pakistan Terror Attacks 2001 - 2007
Pakistan Terror Attacks 2001 - 2007
Pakistan Terror Attacks 2001 - 2007
Pakistan Terror Attacks 2001 - 2007

A friend studying political science was telling me about his finals paper on terror attacks in Afghanistan & Pakistan. He told me about the data and how he analyzed it. As a geographer, I couldn't help but ask if he'd included any maps! He hadn't but indicated he thought it would be great. With just a few hours left before the submission deadline I created a quick base map from a hill shade with country boundaries from Natural Earth. I converted his CSV with attack coordinated using XY Table to Points and created a set showing each attack location to show overall patterns and distributions and a set of heat maps showing how the attack hotspots shifted from year to year.

Tools used

ArcGIS Pro

Plug-ins used

Data Management


Heat MapPakistanTerrorism

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