Geomorphic map of a glaciated landscape

Siddhi Garg
Siddhi Garg

March 05, 2024

Geomorphic map of a glaciated landscape

Glaciers alter the landscape, shaping both erosional and depositional landforms, and the examination of these features within and around glaciated areas is known as 'Glacial Geomorphology'. In order to comprehend the origins of these landforms and to gauge the rate of landscape evolution within such environments, an extensive geomorphological study was conducted in the Kangriz glacier valley located in Ladakh Himalaya, India.

This endeavor involved thorough field surveys conducted in the proglacial and snout regions of the Kangriz glacier valley between 2016 and 2018. The valley was found to have preserved numerous geomorphic and glacier features, which were clearly identifiable and traceable in the field. Consequently, these features were meticulously mapped using approximately 324 real-time kinematic (RTK) points acquired through DGPS surveying. This field mapping provided a comprehensive insight into the past behavior of the glacier.

Furthermore, the features identified in the field were assessed alongside high-resolution declassified Corona KH-4B imagery from 1971, as well as Sentinel multispectral instrument (MSI) imagery from 2016, 2017, and 2018, along with Google EarthTM imagery. This integration enabled a thorough spatial coverage of glacier morphological features. Subsequently, based on the combined fieldwork and remote sensing-based mapping, and systematic investigation of glacio-geomorphic features, a detailed geomorphological map was compiled on a scale of 1:8000.

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Field mapping Geographic positioning systemGeomorphologyLandscape Architecture

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