Life Quality Index for Reconquista Basin

Carolina Byl
Carolina Byl

July 17, 2023

Life Quality Index for Reconquista Basin

Life Quality Index for the Reconquista River Basin in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by Lucila Sandri and Carolina Byl.

This project was done in the context of the "Geographic Information Systems" subject of the Environmental Engineering career in the National University of San Martin (UNSAM). 

The methodology used by ACUMAR for the neighbour Matanza-Riachuelo basin was applied. (ACUMAR, (2017c). Sistema de Indicadores. Anexo III: Datos del indicador: 1. Índice de Calidad de Vida (ICV). Available at: el 01/09/2019)

We found that the lowest Life Quality Index (LQI) values were obtained for the areas closest to water courses, and the hightest LQI values were for the most urbanized areas. We were able to compare both basins and found that the overall LQI value for the Reconquista basin is lower than the Matanza-Riachuelo basin. 

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Census DataEnvironmental Managementlife quality indexopen datariver

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