Next school area analysis

Paola Prieto Botero
Paola Prieto Botero

January 02, 2024

Next school area analysis

Analise the potential areas to build the next school in Anapoima: The next requirements need to be fulfilled

  1. Area > 5000 sq m

  2. > 300m far from another school

  3. > 200m far from other equipment areas

  4. Located in residential area

Completed the analysis making use of PostGis functions such as: ST_Buffer, ST_Transforms, ST_Area, ST_Intersects, ST_Union, ST_Contains.

Finally, only 2 areas fulfill all the requirements to be able to build the next school.

As a recommendation, It could be the smallest one, due to the cost of buying the property. But further analysis might be needed in order to weight other important aspects.

Inspired by: Eng. Juan Suarez

Plug-ins used

Geometry viewerPostGis Functions


PostGISSpatial AnalysisSpatial queries

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