Multiscale Basemap from Vector Tiles

Zach Torres
Zach Torres

October 17, 2022

Multiscale Basemap from Vector Tiles

Using a multiscale map that I already created and applied generalization principles to, I created vector tiles to use as a reference layer for other content. Vector tiles can overcome some of the limitations of image tiles such as storage size, problems with embedded labels/symbols, and fixed resolutions.

My workflow is described below:

  1. Select the desired layer to share > Share tab > Web Layer down arrow > Publish Web Layer
  2. Set parameters
  3. Ensure that Vector Tile is checked under Layer Type.
  4. Under the Configuration tab, cache locally
  5. Set scale range to area of study
  6. Ensure the Tiling Format is indexed.
  7. Analyze and Publish
  8. Insert the newly created vector tile package (.vtpk) as a new basemap from your content in the online portal.
  9. Open a new map and choose the new custom basemap for further study.

Data provided by Esri.

Tools used

ArcGIS OnlineArcGIS Pro

Plug-ins used



Custom BasempsGeneralizationMultiscaleVector Tiles

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