GEE Practicums with EEFA Book Authors

Zach Torres
Zach Torres

October 17, 2022

GEE Practicums with EEFA Book Authors

I am thankful and excited to have participated in the first of a year-long series in Google Earth Engine live video trainings. Content will be working through a new open-access book teaching Earth Engine Fundamentals and Applications.

The book includes 55 chapters written by close to 100 authoritative authors from around the globe. Each week the authors of each chapter will present on their content and guide learners through a practicum.

This week I learned:

  • How to navigate and use the Earth Engine Code Editor
  • JavaScript syntax and best practices to write variables, lists, objects, functions, and comments
  • Where to find and use documentation to write functions for calling the Earth Engine API

I look forward to mastering the fundamentals and applications of the Earth Engine!

To learn more about the book project, click the demo link below.


Tools used

Google Earth Engine(GEE)Zoom

Plug-ins used



Google Earth Engine(GEE)JavascriptLearning

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